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What to Include in Your Cover Letter


Two weeks ago, we published “What NOT to include in Your Cover Letter” and got more hits in a week than many of our articles have gotten all year! Thanks for the read!check

This week, let’s look at what you should include in your cover letter.


Convince the hiring manager that you truly want to work there. Tell them specifically why this is your dream job or why you think the company is the best thing since sliced gluten-free bread. Make it personal, make it compelling, tell a story that makes you stand out. If you can paint a picture that makes you look like the ideal candidate and the best thing since sliced bread, you’ve got an in. Show your excitement and make the hiring manager excited to meet you.


You as the Solution 

A lot of people might be able to do this job, why are you the best choice? Show that you meet the requirements for the position and that you align with the company’s goals. Tell the reader: How can you make immediate impacts? How can you solve the hiring manager’s problem? What can you do to fulfill and surpass the job responsibilities? While your resume will list your accomplishments in each of your roles, what can you highlight here that is particularly relevant to this position with this company? This is an opportunity to showcase how your particular experience differentiates you from the multitude of other applicants.



Be yourself. Be real. People can usually tell pretty quickly if you are faking it. If you get the job, you will be working with these people every day, if it you are not genuine from the beginning and it somehow passes, you will suffer later, as will your colleagues. Show your sense of humor, demonstrate your passion, present your authentic self, communicate your dedication, in short express your personality.


Cultural Fit

Companies have a unique culture and your cultural fit within a company will be critical to your success and happiness there. Make sure you understand the company culture by researching it via the internet and your network and recruiter. Is this the right fit? If so, address how you esteem the culture and how you would be a good fit for the team. Remember, colleagues often spend more hours together than with their families Monday through Friday; it is important that you enjoy each other’s company.


The Ask

Make sure you are addressing your cover letter and resume to the right person. If you thoroughly read the job description and follow the instructions as they are expressed, you will have satisfied the easiest hurdle. Make sure and include your complete contact information. Now, in your close, thank the reader for their consideration and ask for an interview.


#coverletter #getyourdreamjob #jobsearch #career


See also: “What NOT to include in Your Cover Letter